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Writer's pictureRev. Richard Parkinson

Remembering and Change

We began our month of remembering with our annual 'Light a Candle' service which was a beautiful and refective time together. If you weren't able to see it live you can watch and join in via our 'catch-up' service here on

You will be aware of the upcoming proposed changes to our National Pandemic Response and the announcements made this past weekend by our Prime Minister. As I write this on the 1st November there is still a little uncertanity as to the detailed impact this increased lockdown will have on our important public acts of worship. What we do know, via the Goverment's website, is that all Places of Worship will have to close with the only exceptions being funerals, private prayer, to broadcast worship services, as part of the formal school system, for blood donation and food banks. This means that our already truncated Remembrance Sunday service will not be happening on-site but will be broadcast from the church building, via my Twitch channel from 9.50am Sunday 8th November. This service will include the hymns, readings and an act of Remembrance as usual but we will not be able to gather as we usually would. I hope you can still join me as we mark this important part of our nation's corporate life. The village's war memorial is located in the Church Yard and so you are very welcome to visit throughout the day and the rest of the week to remember the fallen and their families and friends, in your own meaningful way.

I have included below a booklet which was researched and written by a villager which recounts the details she was able to discover about the people behind the names on our village's memorial.

I do hope that you keep safe and well in these testing days ahead. I will be posting another update as and when more information is available.

We continue to offer a meal delivery service via our Open Door Cafe as well as collecting for a local Food Bank. There are lots of games, toys and books available to borrow from the Church porch and the building will be open for private prayer every Sunday afternoon (2pm to 4pm) and Wednesday morning (10am to 12noon). Please do drop me a message via the website if there is any particular need or if you would like to arrange a chat with myself or one of our pastoral care volunteers.

Richest blessings,


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